My Religion is True, Others are False, This Belief is Not Right

The one thing necessary for realization is whole-hearted and whole-souled devotion to God. Muslims, Christians and Hindus are all longing for the same God; but they do not know that He who Krishna is also Christ and Allah.

God is one, but He has many names. The Substance is one, but is worshipped under different names according to the time, place and nationality of His worshippers. All the different Scriptures of the world speak of the same God.

How Swami Vivekananda and Sarada Ma Broke Caste Prejudices Towards Mlecchas (VIDEO)

In this video we see how Swami Vivekananda and Sarada Ma both broke the prejudiced customs Hindu society practiced against Mlecchas. Swami Vivekananda even went ahead and gave deeksha to many foreigners and taught them Vedanta, an act which the Hindu orthodoxy found most shocking at that time.

जब शारदा माँ को हुई माँ काली की अनोखी अनुभूति (VIDEO)

एक बार माँ काली शारदा माँ के सामने प्रकट हो गयीं। कारण क्या था? वह शारदा माँ को एक परम सत्य से परिचित करना चाहतीं थीं। वह सत्य क्या था? आइये जानतें है इस वीडियो में।