Most Horrible Crisis Faced by Swami Vivekananda & How Ma Kali Appeared in Living Form Before Him

Was Swami Vivekananda enjoying life and playing cricket in the year 1884? Was he bowling at the Eden Garden Stadium in Calcutta? Did he take seven wickets? A photo and several articles circulating on the internet claim so. Are they right?


Was 1884 one of the most horrible years in Swami Vivekananda’s life – when he faced a most terrible crisis, which was ultimately resolved only when Ma Kali appeared before him in a living form?

What is the truth? Discover in this video.

#2 Leadership Trait – Overcome the Ego and Care For Your Team

Many times good intentioned work is completely ruined when the leader or team members turn egoistic. Co-operation stops and clashes for power and “who gets the credit” and “who gets the blame” begin. Instead of building up the confidence of other team members, an egoistic person starts to pull them down.

“Only he/she must emerge looking good” – this becomes the focus of the person. We are all familiar with such scenarios playing out in corporate life. So what is the correct way in which a team leader should behave? Mother Mirra answers.

#1 Leadership Trait – Sri Ramana Did Not Sit IDLE Like a King, Delegating Work

Many people today have a habit of delegating work. They themselves do nothing and expect others to do all the hard labor for them. Young people of today imagine that this quality of pushing work upon others, is what makes a person successful and climb up the corporate ladder. However as Maharshi Ramana demonstrated this is NOT the quality that makes one a successful leader.

A successful leader in fact does just the opposite. He/she goes down in the trenches and works just as hard if not harder than the rest of the team, shouldering many heavy responsibilities.