Resolve Your Doubts – Join Pulkit’s “FAQs on Spirituality” Newsletter

Over the years, people have asked me numerous questions on spirituality, and so I thought of chronicling these answers in a monthly newsletter service, so that the common doubts that many hold can get easily resolved.

This newsletter shall be hosted on Patreon and is open to all globally. Anyone can subscribe. Visit this article to know further details regarding: (1) How to join & pricing (2) What kinds of questions will this newsletter address? (3) How will the proceeds of this newsletter be utilized?

Thank you for all your love and support,
Your sister & fellow devotee,
Pulkit Mathur
Founder, The Spiritual Bee

#1 Leadership Trait – Sri Ramana Did Not Sit IDLE Like a King, Delegating Work

Many people today have a habit of delegating work. They themselves do nothing and expect others to do all the hard labor for them. Young people of today imagine that this quality of pushing work upon others, is what makes a person successful and climb up the corporate ladder. However as Maharshi Ramana demonstrated this is NOT the quality that makes one a successful leader.

A successful leader in fact does just the opposite. He/she goes down in the trenches and works just as hard if not harder than the rest of the team, shouldering many heavy responsibilities.

Hatred for Muslims – A Cancer that Will Draw in Invasion from China

“India today is free but she has not achieved unity. The old communal division into Hindus and Muslims seems now to have hardened into a permanent political division of the country. It is to be hoped that this settled fact will not be accepted as settled. For if it lasts, India may be seriously weakened, even crippled: civil strife may remain always possible, possible even a new invasion and foreign conquest (by China).”
– Sri Aurobindo

Destiny of India is to be the Land of Hindu-Muslim Unity

Destiny of India is to be the land of Hindu-Muslim-Christian Unity – this is the Rishis plan before Satyug descends. Our Yugdharma (duty in this time) is to make it happen. We are in a Devasura sangram. There are subtle forces of disharmony, which want to break us up as a nation. And there are subtle forces of unity. We must side with the unifying forces, for these are the daivik (Divine) powers.