Why Be Elated by Monetary Profit? Be Even-minded in Gain or Loss

People worship money so much that they hardly stop to cultivate any detachment towards it. Then when they have to let go of their wealth at death, the suffering of their soul becomes especially intense. Since they have not practiced detachment while living, they find it extremely difficult to let go of their wealth at death.

This truth about cultivating equanimity of mind towards profit and loss, and detachment towards money and possessions; was taught to Paramahansa Yogananda by his mother and father, through a few interesting life events, which we visit in this post.

Part 8 – Want a God Realized Guru to Help You? Inner Contact is Must. How to Establish It?

“If you give up your lustful ways and lead a good moral life for 6 months, I shall accept you as my disciple.” Lahiri Mahasaya said to a person who had come to him for initiation. Did the man listen to Lahiri Mahasaya and reform his habits? Was the man able to open up his consciousness to receive the sage’s Divine Grace? What steps should a sadhak take so that he can establish an inner contact with a God Realized sage who has left his body. An inner contact as we saw in our last video is a must before we can receive the help of a great guru, even one who has left his body.